Sapphire Lotus Guild

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The Sapphire Lotus Guild in Sanjiaozhou - This very well established adventuring guild has three halls in the coastal city.

  • The Hall of the Matriarch (or Patriarch) is perched on a cliffside overlooking the ocean. Built in 6402, it houses higher ranked members and guild officials. This is where some of the best of the best on this side of the country can be found. It also houses the leader of the guild and their family. The current leader, Matriarch Xian "White Tigress" Feng, is a world renowned admiral and arcane sharpshooter known for her deadly accuracy, and her young adult son Lei Feng, a prodigy spellsword. The previous patriarch was Matriarch Xian's now deceased husband, Kang Feng, who died in the war with Sceso over Port Isthmus in 6493.
  • The Sapphire Harbor is the guild's access to the sea. A massive harbor where all of the guild members can dock their ships. The guild is primarily a maritime guild. Its members often take up jobs on the open seas - escorting trade ships, clearing out pirates and sea monsters, searching for lost treasure, exploring sunken ruins, and the like. Given this, plenty of docking space is needed to house the ships, hold supplies, and even have lodging for weary travelers and guildmembers. In times of war, the guild is also relied on for aiding the military by housing and supplying a portion of their fleets, and sometimes the government will hire adventurers at a discount. In return, the guild is granted subsidies for additional land and funding.
  • Dawn's Rest is the guild's housing for all of its lower ranking members. Guild members are granted lodging and basic supplies here, as well as a common area including tavern and job registry.